Psoriasis Treatment

Regain Control Over Your Skin

Psoriasis flare-ups are often a substantial challenge for patients, causing stress, loss of self-confidence, and physical discomfort. While there is no cure for this chronic condition, working with the right dermatologist can help you better control flare-ups and keep your skin clearer. Dr. Aivaz works closely with patients to build psoriasis treatment plants tailored to your situation.
A woman displaying a rash on her neck, highlighting the effects of psoriasis and the need for effective treatment options.

What Is Psoriasis?

Psoriasis is an immune system disorder characterized by raised, scaly patches of skin. Some patients may have minor symptoms limited to a single body part, such as the scalp. But others may see multiple areas of the body involved. Rarely, the nails and joints can be involved, leading to psoriatic arthritis. Symptoms tend to alternate between milder periods and more severe flare-ups caused by environmental and lifestyle factors, such as weather, alcohol consumption, and infections.

Dermatologist-Approved Psoriasis Treatment

There is no one-size-fits-all approach to managing psoriasis symptoms. So, the right dermatologist will take the time to evaluate your situation thoroughly and determine what factors may be contributing to your symptom flare-ups. Treatment plans also tend to be flexible, changing to continually match your situation.

Our Psoriasis Treatment Options

  • Environmental Factor Control: We look at factors in your environment that could contribute to flare-ups and provide advice on how to minimize their impact. This can range from dietary considerations to improving awareness of triggers.
  • Topical Treatments: Corticosteroids are very useful for reducing inflammation, which also eases patient discomfort. Topical retinoids can also reduce the production of skin calls.
  • Oral Medication: Oral retinoids and other medications can slow down cell production to a healthy level.
  • Biologics: A cutting-edge treatment for psoriasis, biologics are injectable therapies that target the immune system to clear the skin of psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis.
  • Laser/Ultraviolet Light Therapy: Can be used to treat smaller outbreak areas on the body and full-body psoriasis.

Psoriasis Treatments: At a Glance

Which Psoriasis Treatment Is Right for Me?

Psoriasis treatment typically starts with the most conservative form and then progresses based on your results. If a mild treatment such as a topical works, then that may be the only treatment you need. For persistent cases, we move on from milder treatments to try either stronger medications or alternate methods, such as laser therapy.
A woman showcasing long eyelashes and expertly applied makeup, highlighting the effects of neurotoxin treatment.

After Your Treatment: Seeing Results

Psoriasis is notoriously stubborn and unpredictable. However, consistent work with a dermatologist usually provides notable improvements. Psoriasis is a chronic condition, so continued management is crucial until a cure is found.
What to Know About Results
  • Continue to adhere to lifestyle modifications
  • Avoid identified flare-up triggers and minimize contact with potential triggers
  • Maintain your treatment regimen carefully
  • Remission duration can vary
Dr. Ohara Aivaz Folding her hands and smiling towards camera

Book Your Consultation Today

Reclaim a sense of control over your own skin with professional psoriasis treatment in Beverly Hills. Dr. Aivaz, a board-certified dermatologist, has worked with numerous patients over the years, providing consistent, empowering results for her patients. Call the office or use our website to reach out and begin with a consultation appointment.