Problems Affecting Skin of Color

Adaptive Dermatological Care

Skin tone and type are important considerations when searching for the right treatment for your needs. The skin is a highly complex system, requiring your dermatologist to match you with treatments that will not adversely affect your natural skin tone and appearance. For dermatological problems affecting skin of color, Dr. Aivaz tailors treatment plans to ensure your skin can look and feel its best without any adverse effects. Schedule a visit at her Beverly Hills office today to learn more about her available options.
A woman showcasing confidence and elegance, with a focus on her Kybella-treated features.

Common Skin Problems Affecting Skin of Color

  • Pigmentation: Dark skin is particularly vulnerable to changes in pigmentation from minor cuts or other trauma. However, some treatments may only worsen the issue, so you need a dermatologist who understands how to restore your skin’s natural pigmentation without creating additional issues.
  • Scarring Alopecia: This permanent hair loss occurs when the follicle is destroyed. Treatment involves slowing or stopping the inflammatory cause of the condition.
  • Traction Alopecia: Tight hair styles can put strain on the hair roots, leading to eventual hair loss. Treatment focuses on reducing the traction on the hair follicles and resolving any inflammation that may be present.

What Treatments Are Available?

The right treatment plan will depend on the cause of your condition and the results you want to see. For pigmentation concerns, treatment can involve a combination of dermatological treatments and lifestyle modifications (such as changing the products you use and routine use of sunscreen). Dr. Aivaz may also recommend in-office treatments such as:
For alopecia, treatments can involve reducing strain on the hair roots and using injection treatments as well as topical and oral medications to nourish the scalp and rejuvenate the follicles.

Why Choose a Dermatologist for Problems Affecting Skin of Color

While many physicians may offer treatment for problems affecting skin of color, it is essential to work with a board-certified dermatologist. Some treatments, such as certain lasers, may only worsen pigmentation concerns. Thus, you must seek out a specialist who understands how your skin will react to different treatments.
A woman showcasing long eyelashes and expertly applied makeup, highlighting the effects of neurotoxin treatment.
Dr. Ohara Aivaz Folding her hands and smiling towards camera

Book Your Consultation

Dr. Aivaz has years of experience helping patients resolve problems affecting skin of color in Beverly Hills. If you have experienced pigmentation concerns or hair loss, you can book your consultation today through our website or by calling our office.